2012 is my thirtieth year of composing, recording and releasing product. Over these thirty years I have produced five LPs, fifteen CDs, and one DVD. They are all different in concept. This enclosed CD is the fifteenth and like all my other projects, this one is unique. It was recorded in 2010 over a period of months. As with all my larger studio ensemble projects, this projects, this project took some time.
I have never wished to discuss my technical process because I think music should be experienced emotionally. I feel that how I do what I do should not be important to the average listner. The result is what’s important and I care greatly about the result. Suffice to say, there is a lot going on during portions of this CD. Because this is a larger ensemble, the variables I can employ to integrate the written with the improvised are many. I explore that relationship in great detail resulting in both the written and improvised musical portions being enhanced, to create a strong sense of freedom and joyous unpredictability.
Regardless of the project, I am always most interested in the relationship between the written and improvised portions of the music. My music has never been about a theme and solos. My concern is creating a strong bond between the written and improvised; each furthers the emotional content of the other and they are integrated in a way that blurs the lines. The musical roles vary with every performance and the composition changes with every performance but remains identifiable.
I am very pleased with this CD and with the musicians’ unique contributions to it. It is always a collaboration and always my goal to give each musician an opportunity to express himself, to make the music breathe, come alive. — Michael Vlatkovich | January 1, 2012
michael vlatkovich ensemblio
an autobiography of a pronoun
Jeff Kaiser – trumpet | William Roper – tuba, euphonium, cimbasso | Michael Vlatkovich – trombone, percussion | Brian Walsh – clarinet | Harry Scorzo – violin | Jonathan Golove – cello | Tom McNalley – guitar | Wayne Peet – keyboard | Anders Swanson – bass | Mark Burdon – percussion | Ellington Peet – cymbal
All music composed and arranged by Michael Vlatkovich. Recorded, edited, mixed, mastered at Killzone Studio by Wayne Peet. Cover art by Michael Vlatkovich. Photo by Tom Woodbury. Graphic design by William Roper
Tracklist: 1. leg belly neon kill climb unaware pride [9:53] 2. more grey than white / more old than young / less forgotten more remembered / little time big plans [7:41] 3. jmz1 [4:06] 4. jmz2 [5:36] 5. jmz3 [2:03] 6. little rubber arrow and elephant sandwich [4:07] 7. explain again why I can’t drive faster than the car in front of me [6:07] 8. queen dynamo [5:28] 9. memories hold my hand [4:47]
michael vlatkovich ensemblio | little rubber arrow and elephant sandwich